Courtney\’s Hair Journey

July 26, 2007

Washing tomorrow

Filed under: Generally Hair — by Courtney Smith @ 3:42 pm

All I can say is it better not lightning.

V05 Strawberries&Creme(30m)-Clarify-NTM-V05 Honeydew-Colorshowers-Aussie DEEEP+Honey, etc.

I  hope my hair’s shiny because my date is tomorrow. My hair should be shiny. the care free curl and honey and coconut oil should make it.

So grandma came by today and was telling me how her stylist was all made because she stretched for 8 weeks. I was like wow. You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve gone 5 months with no significant damage…1 setback and that was the matting but it ain’t coming back. Now i detangle every day! And then she had the nerve to say that i had frayed ends….urm my ends get that way when i don’t wash for a long time..and they’re uneven since i haven’t cut them and since i’ve been stretching for so long. I’ve gotta perm myself though because if i go to someone then they’re gonna rip my hair out FO SHO. i’m relaxing in like 6-7 weeks anyway. I’m only stretching to 9 weeks! woohoo.

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